Monday, December 17, 2007

Missed moments of a traveler

So for this brief memorial to moments past and still to be, let us assume that I am already a traveler, one who has left the boundaries of his childhood home to seek a life away from his kin. Please consider this only in a geographical sense and not one that removes respect and devotion from my family. Memories of your wisdom and kindness flash through my conscience, daily.

This is in regards to the moments that I will not be apart of because of my distance from where I grew up. I missed the trip to Broadway to see "Wicked" and watching Mom suit up for volleyball. Dad plays cards now, but that is not really what this is about.

Except for reminders from my mother that I had more important business in Michigan, I would have had no regrets packing and heading home to care for my father. And that one time, I was lucky to be home for a few days when Babci had her first fall.

I will probably be gone when Vanessa and Freddie have their first child or when Nicole and Damon finally save up enough.

But at this moment I am not there to pay my respects to my first ancient drum instructor and some day Mariner brother. Sean Egan, I send all of my thoughts to you while I am traveling on the day of your memorial, back home this time, but a day late. This is my thanks to you, a few brief but potent words that were inspired when I read the news.

What moment will I be gone for next?


Mom said...

Fridge Material!!!!!!!!

I Love You!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

nice reading.
Glad I finally caught up.
It took actually sitting next to Zach at his house!
Good luck in New Zealand. From your uncle who has never been off this continent.

karen said...

Hi Zach

Good luck in New Zealand, most likely we won't visit you there.

Love your Cousin


Dad said...

Tomorrow it really begins---my son, the traveler. New Zealand should be a great time for you as well as a great learning experience. I look forward to reading your blog and following you around. Stay well and safe--smart stuff--Have a GREAT time.

Unknown said...

Hey Zack, I just dropped you off at the airport and now I am home and have found your blog. Yay! Have a safe flight. Let me know that you got in alright if you have the chance. -Maria

Unknown said...
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