Sunday, December 21, 2008

College Undergrad:Complete

Wow, so I might have mentioned that I would have a few moments this last semester every so often to tell a story or relay an important revelation of my undergraduate career at the University of Michigan. When I say "I am not sure at all what I want to be doing in the future" that is a complete lie. To sum up the future:

-I leave tomorrow to CT for the holidays (Anticipate some catch up blogging).

-Return to Ann Arbor with my lovely girlfriend Maria.

-"Relax" similar to how it went this summer, which means not at all.

-Gig with my bossa band.

-Officiate intramural sports at Michigan

-Write and publish a manuscript on the research data I helped compile last year.

-Do related experimental procedures.

-See my Grandee & Grandpa this February (and go to Disney World and Islands of Adventure)

-Backpack across Europe.

-Return to CT for July 4th, D.R.A.M. and the Ancient Mariners 50th Anniversary Muster

-In the fall, hopefully get paid to continue my education to acquire a Ph.D. in ecological theory and related scientific research.

-Through my research spend summers in beautiful places, etc.

I think I have said enough for now. I am so excited...I am getting winded having not gone blogging in so long.

Here is a preview of some of the exciting things I will tell you about from this fall. The embedded video is the Michigan Marching Band's halftime show, aired on NBC. I get great airtime during the Backstreet Boys number. And just after during 98Degrees they show a shot of my hands. That cross at the end is a visual. The drumline held them above our heads and were the puppeteers of the band while they posed as manikins. Sweet!

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